Posted by: John Starns | May 16, 2011

Ben, Josh and Indie Lifestyle Portrait Shoot, Kent

When you’re a professional photographer, it’s most often not about which cameras you own, or which lens / shutter speed / aperture / ISO combination you have decided upon (though all that technical stuff certainly helps!) Sometimes capturing a collection of amazing images comes down to the ability to successfully interact with your subjects (warning: this may include your photographer acting the fool!) the patience of a saint and sufficient negotiation skills to convince, in this case an energetic 9 year old, that being photographed can actually turn out to be a whole load of fun!

So we begin our shoot with Josh, Ben and Indie the dog. Ben is a typical 9 year old. He likes to laugh, jump about, explore, antagonise his brother … but he doesn’t like having his photograph taken, no way. Not today anyway. He’d much rather hide behind a tree, face the other direction, anything but co-operate like his big brother Josh has decided to do. That’s ok, I can handle it.

So we walk across the fields from Ben and Josh’s house to our location; a piece of ancient woodland carpeted in Hyacinthoides non-scripta (that’s the common Bluebell to you and me). It is breathtakingly beautiful.

The following collection of photographs were taken over a two hour period. Given Ben’s initial camera shyness, I am really happy with the results as within twenty minutes or so he really started to open up and enjoy it as much as Josh and Indie the dog, as you can see in the pictures below.

Please check out my website at or call me on 07790 634140 to book your shoot.



Please check out my website at or call me on 07790 634140 to book your shoot. Thanks, John.

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